Student Resources

CareerCLUE (Community Learning, Understanding and Experience)


CareerCLUE s a credit-bearing, stipended summer program for rising 10th grade students during the summer. Throughout the five-week program, students engaged in real-world project-based learning about green career pathways through guest speakers, site visits and project work. Students earn an elective environmental science credit for the course, and a $500 stipend if they met attendance and academic requirements. If you are interested in applying, see your guidance counselor. 



Global Potential train the youth in social entrepreneurship. Students undertake after-school educational training workshops on a wide range of critical social issues. Global Potential also facilitates opportunities for youth to volunteer in local community service activities, such as working in public gardens, soup kitchens, parks, hospitals, and cultural centers in New York City. Students undertake community service immersion programs either overseas, or if they are unable to travel abroad, in the United States.