School Policy

The Discipline Code

This is the Citywide Standards of Discipline and Intervention Measures and is used to ensure that students can learn and teachers can teach in a safe, secure and orderly environment. It is important for you and your family to become familiar with The Citywide Behavioral Expectations so that you may understand what standards of behavior are expected and what the consequences are for failing to meet those standards.


The School Dress Code

The Academy for Excellence in Leadership has a dress code. As a member of the AEL family, all students will be expected to wear the following every day:

  • A shirt or blouse that stops below the midriff
  • Pants, jeans, skirt or dress


The following items are not permitted:

  • Du rags, bandanas, skullcaps, hoods or hats, gang beads (applies to males and females)
  • Skirts or pants that reveal stomach, belly buttons or undergarments
  • Excessively short skirts (more than four inches above the knee)


We expect that the dress code will not only contribute positively to the culture of our school but it will also create an atmosphere of high expectations, as well as a sense of pride in being a student at the Academy for Excellence in Leadership!





General Attendance Information:

The Academy for Excellence in Leadership is in session from 8:15 AM until 2:35 PM. Graduation requirements are linked not only to accumulated credits and Regent Exams, but to maintain a 92% or higher attendance rate in all classes. If a student is absent from school parents or guardians will be contacted by phone or letter to inform them of the student’s absence.

The following conditions may excuse a student from school attendance:


  • Personal illness or injury
  • Family illness or emergency situation requiring the student to be absent
  • Death of a relative
  • Observance of a religious holiday consistent with student’s established belief


When students return from an absence they must have a note from a parent or medical verification which must be signed by each classroom teacher and submitted at the end of the first day back at school to the Guidance Counselor. The note should include:

  • Dates of absences
  • Reason for the absences
  • Parent or Guardian signature

Students leaving school because of illness or other excuses must be signed out by their parents or guardian. Students should never leave the building without permission or without signing out in the Attendance Office.



Arriving late to school could affect your performance in class. Excessive lateness to class could result in a failing grade. Any student who is not in class at 8:15 am is officially late for school. Frequent lateness or excessive absence will result in a parent meeting and “make-up” time during or after school hours.



Completing homework assignments dramatically increases the power of classroom learning experiences. Homework is a primary link in the chain of communication between the school and parents/guardians.


Our Purposes of Homework

  • Reinforce what was taught in class.
  • Prepare students for the next class meeting.
  • Evaluate students’ understanding of the work presented.
  • Learn how to take and manage responsibility for one’s own learning.


About Homework

  • Homework will be given regularly.
  • Each teacher will give homework on a different day.
  • Parents will be informed of missing homework assignments.
  • Homework should be done neatly and to the best ability of the student.
  • Students are responsible for work missed because of absence or lateness.



Students are required to make up all work missed because of absence or lateness.


Important Student Study Skills

  1. Organize yourself–––Use your monthly calendar to write down important dates like tests, project due dates and school events. Review this calendar every week or every day to make sure you are prepared.


  1. Bring your binder to class every day–––Keep a separate section for every subject. Keep all your notes and homework assignments organized in that section so that you review them before a test or quiz.


  1. Get a study buddy–––Identify a fellow student you can get notes from in case you are absent from class.


  1. Take notes in class–––Copy down everything that is written on the board and write down

important facts your teacher discusses in class. Keep copies of all hand-outs and underline important facts and details.


  1. Use a dictionary–––Look up words you don’t understand while you are reading and make a note of them.