


The Academy for Excellence in Leadership perceives personal development as an integral part of becoming an adult and productive member of society. As a staff, we will work to nurture and promote the development of a sound character. The elements of a sound character that the school has identified as pertinent to one’s life and to life as a community member are:



Respect involves treating yourself and others with dignity: accepting and celebrating our differences. Respect should be extended not only to members of the Academy for Excellence in Leadership community, but also to the community as a whole. Disrespectful behavior or language will not be tolerated.



Responsibility includes fulfilling our obligations to each other, our school, and the world at large and to ourselves. This means taking action when we encounter a problem that needs to be solved. Taking responsibility often requires leadership and courage.



Honesty requires that we be truthful both in our academic work and in other areas of our lives. Truthfulness includes openness and sincerity, which are crucial for building individual relationships and a community of trust, whether at school or elsewhere.


Integrity means maintaining our commitments to our individual moral values. As we build integrity, we develop the ability to stand up for what is right.



Compassion means being aware of, and having a desire to improve the condition of others. This requires developing an awareness of what is happening in the lives of other people and doing what we can to help them.



Generosity involves helping others, both at the Academy for Excellence in Leadership and elsewhere. It is a natural outgrowth of compassion and refers to a willingness to take action, to give when needed.



Fairness means to treat all people in a just and appropriate manner.

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